Navigate through Europe with ease

Discover a comprehensive tool tailored for the trucking community, dispatchers, drivers, and small company owners. Our platform is designed to simplify your journey through traffic bans in Europe, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.


Detailed Country Pages & Email Notifications

Explore European traffic bans effortlessly through our Detailed Country Pages, gaining a thorough understanding of regulations for precise navigation.

Receive timely Email Notifications to stay ahead of restrictions, ensuring confident route planning.

pipeline view profile
Detailed Country Pages

Access regulations for each country, ensuring informed navigation.

individual lead profile
Email Notifications

Stay in control with real-time alerts for strategic planning.


Calendar View and List & Map View

Optimize route planning with our Calendar View, efficiently managing trips and visualizing bans. Simultaneously, our List & Map View  provides an intuitive interface for a comprehensive overview of restrictions.

individual lead profile
List & Map View

Enhance decision-making with an intuitive interface, providing a comprehensive overview of bans for optimized route planning.

pipeline view profile
Calendar View

Take charge of your schedule, visualize bans, and streamline operations for maximum productivity.

Get started
Why traffic restrictions from Truckpal

Efficient Truck Route Planning

Elevate your route planning with a focus on heavy vehicles. Our tool is designed to optimize efficiency, offering comprehensive solutions for the unique challenges of transporting goods across Europe, including compliance with truck bans and traffic restrictions.

Start using the TruckPAL platform, today.

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